
Zadetki iskanja

  • izbistríti to clear up

    izbistríti se to become clear
  • izbíti to beat out, to dash out, to drive out; to knock out

    to izbije sodu dno (figurativno) that beats everything
    izbíti komu oko to put out someone's eye
    izbíti komu iz glave to drive something out of someone's head, to talk someone out of his intention
    izbíti si kaj iz glave to put something out of one's head, to banish the thought of something
    izbij(te) si to iz glave! forget it!
  • izblebetáti to blurt out; to blab out; to divulge; to tell tales

    izblebetáti skrivnost, tajnost to reveal a secret, (figurativno) ZDA žargon to spill the beans
  • izblékniti to blurt out
  • izbljúvati to vomit (up); (hrano) to throw up; to disgorge; to spit out

    vse je izbljuval, kar je bil pojedel he brought up everything he had eaten
  • izbljúvek vomit
  • izbóčen projecting; bulging; embossed; salient; protruding; (leča) convex; standing out

    izbóčeno okno bow window
  • izbóčenost convexity; bulge; embossment; protuberance; (oblost) sphericity
  • izbóčiti to emboss; to relieve; to project; to jut out; to protrude

    izbóčiti se to stand (ali to stick) out; to jut out, to protrude; to project; to hang over
  • izbojeváti to fight out, to fight it out; (dobiti) to obtain (ali to get ali to gain) by fighting (ali by struggling)

    izbojeváti zmago to win (ali to obtain, to gain) a victory; to be (ali to come out) victorious; to triumph; to carry the day
  • izbókel convex

    izbókla leča convex lens
    dvakrat izbókla leča biconvex lens
  • izboklína embossment; salient, convexity; bulge
  • izbóljšanje improvement; amelioration; bettering

    izbóljšanje naših odnosov the bettering of our relations
    občutno izbóljšanje mojega zdravstvenega stanja a marked improvement in my health
  • izbóljšati to improve; to make better; to mend; to ameliorate

    to stvari ne bo izboljšalo this will not mend matters
    izbóljšati se to improve, to mend, to ameliorate, to alter for the better
    njegovo zdravje se je izboljšalo his health has improved
    moglo bi se izbóljšati there is room for improvement
  • izbombardírati to blitz

    izbombardiran blitzed
  • izbór selection, choice; assortment

    po svobodnem izbóru of one's own choosing
  • izbóren excellent, exquisite, superior, first-class; prime
  • izbórnost exellence, first-rate quality, excellent quality
  • izbràn select, selected; chosen; picked out

    izbràne pesmi selected poems pl
    v nekaj izbrànih besedah in a few chosen words
  • izbráti to choose; to select; to pick out; to elect; to make one's choice

    izbráti med, izmed... to choose between...
    izbral je (iz kupa) vrtnico in ji jo ponudil he picked out a rose and offered it to her
    sam si izbráti to make one's own selection