
Zadetki iskanja

  • izbrbljáti to blurt out, to let out, to blab, to utter thoughtlessly, to divulge, to let the cat out of the bag
  • izbŕcniti to kick out
  • izbrís izbrísanje cancellation; obliteration; effacement; erasure; expunction
  • izbrísati to rub (out), to erase, to scratch out; to efface; to wipe out, to wipe away; to expunge; (očistiti) to clean, to cleanse; (prečrtati) to cross (ali to strike ali to score) out (ali off), to cancel, to strike through, to obliterate

    izbrísati se to be erased (ali deleted)
    izbrísati ime iz seznama to expunge a name from the list
    izbrísati dolg to cancel a debt
    izbrísati madež to remove a blot (s, z, iz from)
    izbrísati sklep to cancel a resolution
    izbrísati sledove to remove traces (ali vestiges)
  • izbrisljív effaceable
  • izbríti to reshave; to shave a second time (in the reverse direction)
  • izbrítje reshaving; shaving a second time
  • izbrízgati to squirt (out); to spurt (vodo water)
  • izbŕskati to search out; to ferret out
  • izbrúh outburst (tudi figurativno); (vulkana) eruption; explosion; (bolezni, vojne, upora) outbreak

    izbrúh jeze an outburst of anger, a burst of passion, an explosion of wrath
    ob izbrúhu vojne at the outbreak of war
  • izbrúhati (jed, lavo) to vomit

    izbrúhati kri to vomit blood
    izbruhal je vse, kar je bil pojedel he brought up everything he had eaten
    ognjenik se izbruha the volcano erupts
    izbrúhati jezo na koga to vent one's anger upon someone
  • izbrúhniti (ogenj, vojna) to break out; to vomit, to throw up

    izbrúhniti kletvico to utter a curse
    vojna je izbruhnila the war broke out
  • izbrúsiti to grind to a smooth finish; to grind sharp, to hone; (izgladiti) to smooth out (ali down ali away); figurativno to file away
  • izbúhniti se to swell; (les) to warp
  • izbúljiti to bulge

    izbúljiti oči to open one's eyes wide, to stare (at), to glare (at), to be all eyes, to make saucer eyes
    izbuljene oči bulging eyes
  • izcedíti to filter out, to strain out; (izžeti) to press (ali to squeeze ali to squash ali to wring) out

    izcedíti se to trickle out, to leak out, to ooze out (ali away)
  • izcéla in one piece; completely
  • izcéliti to heal thoroughly
  • izcigániti

    izcigániti kaj od koga to swindle someone out of something
  • izcímiti se to spring up (iz from); to sprout (forth), to germinate; to develop