
Zadetki iskanja

  • izkoreníniti to unroot, to uproot, to root out, to tear (ali to pluck) out by the root; to eradicate, to exterminate, to extirpate; (uničiti) to destroy; (drevo) to uproot, to pull up by the roots; (zlo itd.) to eradicate, to root out

    izkoreníniti koga (figurativno) to uproot, to root out, (tudi) to displace
  • izkorenínjen (drevo itd.) uprooted, torn up by the roots; (oseba) cut adrift from oneself home (oziroma country), displaced
  • izkorenínjenje rooting up; eradication; extirpation
  • izkorístiti to make good use of, to use to one's advantage (ali profit), to turn to (the best) account, to turn to advantage, to put to profitable use

    izkorístiti kaj to take advantage of something
    izkorístiti priliko to avail oneself of (ali to profit by ali to take) the opportunity, to improve an occasion (ali an opportunity), to make hay while the sun shines
    kar najbolj nekaj izkorístiti to make the best of it
    dobro izkorístiti čas pesniško to improve the shining hour
    izkoristil je našo neizkušenost he has taken advantage of our inexperience
    znal je izkorístiti svoj denar he has been clever enough to make his money make money
  • izkoríščanje exploitation; figurativno exploiting, exploitation, (delavcev) sweating

    razredno izkoríščanje class exploitation; (rudnika, železnice itd.) working, (ležišča rude) mining, (dnevni kop) digging, quarrying; (obdelane zemlje) farming, cultivation
    stroški izkoríščanja working expenses pl
  • izkoríščati to exploit; (rudnik, železnico itd.) to work, to operate; (zemljo) to cultivate, to farm; (figurativno)

    izkoríščati kaj to turn something to account, to make capital out of something, to take advantage of something
    izkoríščati nevednost kake osebe to trade on (ali upon) someone's ignorance
    izkoríščati lahkovernost to profit by someone's credulity
    izkoríščati koga to swindle (ali to cheat) someone out of his money, pogovorno to milk someone dry
    polno izkoríščati to exploit to the full
    ki se da izkoríščati exploitable
  • izkoriščeválec exploiter; figurativno extortioner, bloodsucker, (delavcev) slave driver, exployer of sweated labour
  • izkoriščeválen exploiting

    izkoriščeválni sistem sweated labour
  • izkotíti to give birth to young
  • izkozláti to vomit
  • izkŕcati (osebe) to land, to disembark; to put ashore; (tovor) to land, to unload, to discharge

    izkŕcati čolne to hoist out the boats
    izkŕcati se to land, to disembark; to get (ali to go) ashore
  • izkrcevalíšče landing place
  • izkrc(ev)ánje (oseb) landing, disembarkation (čet of troops); (tovora) landing, discharging, unloading
  • izkŕčiti to root out, to clear (land); to cut (ali to fell) trees; to deforest, to disafforest, to reclaim forest land, to bring under cultivation
  • izkrésati to strike sparks
  • izkríčati to shout, to cry (out)

    izkríčati se to stop shouting, to bawl one's head off; to get it off one's chest; to express one's feelings violently
  • izkristalizírati to crystallize
  • izkrivíti to distort; to bend, to contort, to curve, to crook, (les) to warp; (besede) to pervert, to twist

    izkrivíti se (les) to warp, to bend
  • izkrtáčiti to brush up; figurativno (ošteti) to scold, to rebuke
  • izkrvavéti to bleed to death

    izkrvavel je his life drained away
Število zadetkov: 10000