
Zadetki iskanja

  • atoníja medicina atony
  • Átos (gorovje) Athos
  • atrákcija attraction

    razstava je velika atrákcija the exhibition is a great attraction
    stolp je glavna atrákcija mesta the tower is the chief tourist attraction of the town
  • atraktíven attractive

    atraktívno deklè an attractive girl
  • atribút filozofija, gramatika attribute; (prilastek) attribute
  • atributíven gramatika attributive
  • átrij átrium arhitektura, anatomija atrium
  • atrófičen medicina atrophic

    atrofíja atrophy
  • atrofírati medicina atrophy
  • atropín kemija atropine
  • avál trgovina guaranty, guarantee; backing
  • aváns trgovina (predujem) advance

    dali so mu aváns they gave him an advance on account
  • avantgárda vojska vanguard, advance guard; (brodovja) van; figurativno, literatura avant-garde, van, vanguard

    avantgárda znanstvenega napredka retorika the van of scientific progress
  • avantúra adventure; unexpected incident; daring enterprise

    ljubezenska avantúra love affair, intrigue
    iskati avantúre to seek adventure
    on se rad spušča v avantúre he likes engaging in hazardous undertakings
  • avanturíst; avanturístka adventurer; adventuress
  • avanturístičen adventurous; venturesome; adventuresome
  • avanzírati to be promoted; to get promotion
  • avanzmá (napredovanje v službi) promotion; (naplačilo) advance

    dobiti avanzmá to be promoted, to get promotion
  • ávba coif; cap; headdress
  • avdícija glasba audition; trial hearing; ZDA pogovorno try-out; performance of a piece of music

    biti na avdíciji, podvreči (se) avdíciji to have an audition, to audition