
Zadetki iskanja

  • babaríje old wives' tale; trash; nonsensical talk
  • bábica medicina midwife, pl -ves; (stara mati) grandmother, pogovorno granny, grannie

    biti bábica, biti za bábico to practise midwifery, to assist in childbirth
  • bábilon (zmešnjava) babel
  • Babilónija geografija Babylonia
  • babilónski Babylonian
  • bábištvo midwifery; obstetrics pl (s konstr. v sg)
  • bábjek philanderer; womanizer; lady's (ali ladies') man
  • bábjevérec superstitious person

    babjevéren superstitious
  • babjevérnost superstition
  • bábji of (ali belonging to) an old woman; oldwomanish; like a(n old) woman

    bábje leto Indian (arhaično St. Luke's ali St. Martin's) summer; gossamer; fine days in autumn
    bábje pšeno sleet
    bábje čenče trash, old wives' tale, nonsensical talk
    bábje čenče! stuff and nonsense!
  • bábnica babúra hag, harridan

    umazana, zanikrna bábnica, babúra slattern
  • babuín (opica) baboon
  • bácek lambkin
  • bacíl bacillus, pl -li

    sredstvo proti bacílom bacillicide
    vojna z bacíli germ warfare, biological warfare (krajšava: B. W.)
  • baciláren bacillary

    bacílast bacilliform
  • bacilofobíja bacillophobia
  • bagatéla bagatelle; trifle; small matter; a thing of no importance

    za bagatélo for a mere trifle, for a song
    to je zame bagatéla that is a mere trifle to me
  • bagatélen trifling

    bagatélna škoda petty damage
  • bagatelizírati to belittle, to minimize; to attach little value (to)

    bagatelizírati svoje delo to depreciate (ali to play down the importance of) one's work
  • báger tehnika dredger, dredge, dredging machine excavator; (škrlat) purple