
Zadetki iskanja

  • bágrati tehnika to dredge
  • bagrén purple (škrlaten)
  • bagríst dredgerman, pl -men; dredger
  • baháč boaster; braggart; swaggerer
  • Bahámsko otočje Bahamas
  • baháštvo boasting, boast, boastfulness

    baháštvo, siromaštvo (pregovor) arhaično great boast, small toast
  • báhati se to boast (z of, about); to pride oneself (on, upon); to brag (of, about, with); to flaunt
  • baháv boastful; overbearing; haughty; supercilious
  • baisse bear market, depression, slump, decline; fall in prices

    špekulacija na baisse bear operation, ZDA short sale
    špekulant na baisse bear
    špekulirati na baisse to bear
  • bajáco buffoon
  • bajadêra Hindu dancing girl
  • bajálec diviner
  • bájalica divining rod; dowsing rod; twig
  • bájaličar bájaničar water diviner, dowser, waterfinder
  • bájaništvo dowsing; ZDA water witching
  • bájati (prerokovati) to divine
  • bajè allegedly; supposedly; reputedly; (as) they say

    bajè, da... it is said that...
    on je bajè bogat he is said (ali supposed) to be rich
    bajè je on to naredil he is said to have done it
    on je bajè rekel... he has reportedly said
  • bájen mythological, fabulous

    bájni dobički fabulous profits pl
  • bajeslóvec mythologist
  • bajeslóven bajeslóvski mythological