
Zadetki iskanja

  • bébec (duševno nerazvit) mental defective, imbecile; (omejen) simpleton
  • bêda misery; poverty; distress; (pomanjkanje) want, need, indigence; penury

    huda bêda squalor
    bêda, ki se ne da popisati misery that surpasses description
    pasti v bêdo to fall into poverty
    živeti v bêdi to live in dire want (ali in abject poverty), to suffer want, to be badly off, to be in dire straits (ali in straitened circumstances)
  • bedák fool; idiot; fathead; blockhead; ass; dolt; bonehead; thickhead; simpleton; duffer, ZDA žargon saphead, sap; (ki ga je lahkó prevarati) dupe, arhaično gull

    imeti koga za bedáka to make a fool of someone, to dupe someone
  • bedaríja ➞ bedastoča
  • bédast stupid, silly, foolish; simple, idiotic ZDA pogovorno dumb; soft-headed; dull; brainless; ridiculous

    nisem tako bédast! I know better!
    tako bédast pa nisem I am not such a fool
    bédast kot noč as stupid as a donkey, as thick as a plank
    bilo je bédasto od mene it was very stupid of me
    ta bédasti natakar that fool of a waiter
  • bedastóča stupidity, foolishness; imbecility; buffoonery; folly, silliness

    čista, prava bedastóča sheer stupidity; žargon bosh; tommy rot
    govoriti bedastóče to talk nonsense, to talk rubbish, to talk rot
  • bedèč awake; wakeful
  • bêden miserable, poor; indigent, needy; wretched; distressed
  • bédenj tub, vat; (majhen) pail
  • bedénje staying up, sitting up; being awake; religija vigil; arhaično wake, waking state

    med spanjem in bedénjem half-awake; half-asleep
  • bedéti to wake, to be awake, to watch over

    dolgo bedéti to sit up late, to keep late hours
    bedéti nad to keep watch over, to keep a vigilant eye on
    celo noč bedéti to sit up all night
  • bédlam figurativno (norišnica) bedlam
  • bedlamít (blaznež, norec) bedlamite
  • bédrn of the thigh; femoral

    bédrna kost thigh bone
  • bêdro thigh; femur; leg
  • Beduín; Beduínski Bedouin
  • bég1 (turški plemič) bey

    béginja bey's wife
  • bég2 flight; escape; run; getaway; (poražene vojske) rout; (z ljubimcem) elopement; (iz ječe) breakout

    divji, brezglav bég stampede
    bég kapitala flight of capital
    bég možganov (figurativno) brain drain
    bég z dežele (v mesto) drift from the land
    pognati, zapoditi v bég to put to flight, vojska to put to rout
    pognati se v bég to take (to) flight, to flee
    spustiti se v bég to take to one's heels
    naš napad je pognal sovražnika v bég our attack put the enemy to flight
  • bégati to run about; to ramble; to stray (about); to roam (about)

    bégati koga to confound, to confuse; to baffle; to disconcert; to abash
  • bégavček (otrok) runaway child

    bégavec runaway