
Zadetki iskanja

  • begónija botanika begonia
  • begún

    vojaški begún deserter
  • begúnec -nka refugee; fugitive; (izgnanec) displaced person; expellee
  • begúnski refugee

    begúnsko taborišče refugee camp
  • beketánje bleat, bleating

    beketáti to bleat
  • bekón (prašič) porker
  • bél white; (čist) clean; (nezagorel) pale; (nepopisan) blank; (pobeljen) blanched; (bel in siv) hoary

    béla garda right-wing political movement in Slovenia before and during World War II, the White Guard
    pri bélem dnevu in broad daylight
    Bela Hiša the White House
    béla knjiga politika white paper, White Book
    béla kovina white metal, white alloy
    bél kruh white (ali wheaten) bread
    bélo krvno telesce white corpuscle
    béla (mlečna) kava white coffee
    béla lisa (na konjskem čelu) blaze
    béli medved polar bear
    bélo meso white meat
    béla obleka whites, white clothing
    béla nedelja Low Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter
    béla pločevina tinplate
    béli premog (figurativno) "white coal", hydroelectric power
    béli teden (prodajni) white sale
    bél kot sneg snow-white
    trgovina z bélimi dekleti white slave traffic
    bélo vino white wine
    béla vrana (figurativno) a rare thing, rarity, quite an exceptional person
    dati črno na bélem to put down in black and white
    imam to črno na bélem I have it in black and white
    napraviti bélo to make white
    bélo pobarvati to dye white
    pokazati kaj črno na bélem to show something in black and white
  • Béla Krájina White Carniola
  • beladóna botanika belladonna; pogovorno deadly nightshade
  • Belcebúb biblija Beelzebub
  • bélec white man

    belci pl the whites; (konj) white horse
  • beléti to grow (ali to become) white
  • beletríja beletrístika belles-lettres pl; literature
  • bélež whitewash
  • beléžiti to note down; to annotate; to take (to write, to put, to set, to jot) down; to take notes of; to register; to mark

    beléžiti góle šport to score goals
    beléžiti direkten pogodek šport to score a direct hit; (dogodke) to chronicle, to record in writing
  • beléžka note; annotation; jotting(s) (pl); memorandum, pl -dums, -da
  • beléžnica note-book; pocket book; memorandumbook; copy book
  • Bélgija geografija Belgium

    bélgijski Belgian
  • Bélgijec -jka Belgian, Belgian woman, pl -men
  • belíca (morska riba) whiting, whitebait; (sladkovodna) bleak