
Zadetki iskanja

  • Bénjamin Benjamin, Benny, Ben
  • benzén kemija benzene
  • Béograd (mesto) Belgrade
  • Beográjčan inhabitant of Belgrade
  • beográjski of Belgrade; Belgrade
  • beráč beggar; mendicant

    beráčica beggar woman
  • beráčenje begging; mendicity, mendicancy
  • beráčiti to beg, to go begging, arhaično to beg one's bread

    beráčiti pri kom to go cap in hand to someone
  • beráški beggarly; beggar's

    beráška palica beggar's staff
    priti na beráško palico to be made destitute, to beggar oneself, to be reduced to poverty
    spraviti na beráško palico to pauperize, to reduce to poverty (ali to beggary), to beggar
  • beráštvo beggary, beggarliness
  • Bérber; berbérski Berber
  • bérgla crutch

    hoditi z bérglami to go about on crutches
  • beribêri medicina beriberi
  • beríl mineralogija beryl

    berílij kemija beryllium
  • berílo (učbenik) reader, reading-book; (čtivo) reading matter; (branje) reading

    prvo berílo primer
  • berívka (solata) early non-hearting spring lettuce
  • berívo reading, reading matter; books pl
  • Berlín geografija Berlin
  • berlína (avto, kočija) berline, berlin
  • Berlínčan; Berlinčanka inhabitant of Berlin, Berliner; Berlin woman