
Zadetki iskanja

  • besedolómnež reneger, one who reneges on a promise
  • besedotvórje word formation
  • bésen furious, enraged, mad, incensed

    ves bésen fuming with rage, in a furious temper; (žival) rabid
    biti bésen to be in a rage, to be in a fury, to be enraged pogovorno to blow one's top
    napraviti bésnega to enrage, to infuriate, to exasperate, to drive someone mad, pogovorno to drive someone up the wall
    bésno sovraštvo rabid hate
  • besnéti to be enraged, to be furious, to be in a fury, to rage, ZDA to be mad; (morje, vihar) to rage
  • bés(nost) fury; furiousness; rage; madness (zaradi, nad at)

    pihati od bés(nost)i to be boiling with rage
    peniti se od bés(nost)i to foam with rage
    spraviti koga v bés(nost) to incense, to infuriate someone
    stresel je svoj bes name he vented his rage on me
    razdražiti do bés(nost)i koga to drive someone into a fury, to infuriate
  • bestiálen beastly, bestial
  • bestiálnost bestiality
  • béstija beast; brute
  • bèt (gobe) stipe, stem
  • betatrón fizika betatron
  • betéžen infirm, feeble, (od starosti) decayed (with age)
  • betéžnost decay; infirmity
  • betíca žargon bonce
  • betón concrete

    ojačeni betón reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete
    mešalec betóna concrete mixer
    prednapeti betón prestressed concrete
  • betonêr (delavec) concreter
  • betoníranje concreting

    betonírati to concrete
  • betónski concrete, of concrete

    betónski bunker concrete bunker (ali pillbox)
    betónski most concrete bridge
    betónska pista (cesta) concrete strip (road)
    betónska plast layer of concrete
    betónska plošča concrete slab
    betónski temelj concrete base (ali foundation ali bed)
    betónska utrdba concrete fortification
    betónsko zakloníšče concrete dugout, concrete shelter
    betónska zgradba concrete building (ali construction)
    betónsko železó reinforcement iron
  • bèv

    ne reči ne bèv ne mev to keep silence; not to utter a word
  • bévskati to yelp, to yap
  • bezáti to pick; to stir