
Zadetki iskanja

  • bírmati to confirm

    biti birman to be confirmed
  • biró (urad, pisarna) office; bureau

    informacijski biró inquiry office, information bureau
    tiskovni biró press bureau
    reklamni biró publicity bureau
  • birokracíja bureaucracy; bumbledom; red-tapism; red tape
  • birokrát bureaucrat; red-tapist
  • birokrátičen birokrátski bureaucratic; red-tape

    birokrátičen, birokrátski sistem bureaucratic system
  • birokratízem bureaucracy; red-tapism, red tape; bureaucratism; red-tapery; officialdom; bumbledom
  • birokratizírati to bureaucratize
  • bisága bag, sack; arhaično wallet
  • bisekstílen

    bisekstílno leto leap year
  • biseksuálen bisexual
  • bíser pearl (tudi figurativno); figurativno jewel; (steklen) bead

    jamski bíser cave pearl
    okrašen z bíseri pearly
    lov na bísere pearl fishery
    lovec na bísere pearl diver, pearl fisher
    nizanje bíserov threading pearls
    niz bíserov string of pearls
    umeten bíser imitation pearl
    iskati bísere to pearl, to fish for pearls
    tvoriti bísere to produce cultured pearls
    metati bísere svinjam (figurativno) to cast pearls before swine
    ona je bíser figurativno she's a gem, she's a pearl
    to je metanje bíserov svinjam (figurativno) it's caviare to the general
  • bíserček seed pearl
  • bíseren pearl; pearly

    bíseren a ogrlica pearl necklace
  • bísernica (školjka) pearl shell
  • biserovína mother-of-pearl; pearl shell; pearl
  • biserovínast

    biserovínast gumb pearl button, shell button
  • bisilábičen disyllabic

    bisilábična beseda disyllable
  • Biskájski zaliv the Bay of Biscay
  • biskvít (gobast) spongecake, teacake; (prepečenec) biscuit; (porcelan) bisque
  • bísmut kemija bismuth