
Zadetki iskanja

  • bíster (prozoren) lucid, limpid, transparent; (čist) clear, pure, untroubled; (pameten) clever, bright, shrewd, sharp, žargon brainy

    bístra glava (figurativno) a clever fellow
    on je bístra glava he is a bright (ali intelligent) fellow
  • bistrênje clarification; clearing up; figurativno solution
  • bístrica (voda) clear mountain brook
  • bistrína clearness; figurativno sagacity
  • bistroglàv clear-headed; clever; intelligent
  • bistroôk eagle-eyed; keen-eyed; sharp-sighted
  • bístrost clearness; figurativno sagacity, cleverness; intelligence
  • bistroúmen clever; shrewd; quick; sharp; acute; sagacious
  • bistroúmnost cleverness; perspicacity; sagacity; shrewdness; wittiness; penetration
  • bistrovíden clear-sighted; perspicacious
  • bistrovídnost clear-sightedness, perspicacity
  • bistúrij medicina bistoury
  • bístven essential; fundamental; main, principal; (važen) material, prime, weighty, substantial, vital; bistveno (prislov) essentially, in the main
  • bístvo essence; chief ali main ali essential element; (jedro, srž) nucleus, pith, marrow, heart; žargon nittygritty

    prodreti v bístvo problema (stvari) to get to the heart of the problem (matter)
  • bisulfát kemija bisulphate
  • bisulfít kemija bisulphite
  • bít existence; entity; essence
  • bíti (bijem) to beat; to strike; (močno) to whack; (srce) to pulsate, to beat, (močno) to throb, to palpitate, to flutter

    ura bije sedem the clock is striking seven
    bíti žogo to play football
    resnica o tem nam bije v obraz the truth of it stares us in the face
    bíti se (boriti se) to fight, to struggle, to combat, to battle with
  • bíti (sem) to be; to exist; to live; to take place

    je (= se nahaja) there is
    so (= se nahajajo) there are; (bivati) to stay
    bíti lačen, žejen to be hungry, thirsty
    bíti ves iz sebe to be beside oneself, to be overwrought
    3 x 5 = 15 three times five equals fifteen
    kaj je, kakó je (kaj) z njim? how is he?, how is he getting on?; how are things with him?
    kaj je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
    toplo (mraz) mi je I am warm (cold)
    ne morem bíti brez (cigaret) I cannot do without (cigarettes)
    bíti brez denarja to be short of money
    bíti brez premoga to be short of coal
    po čem je kruh? how much is (the) bread?
    koliko je do postaje? how long does it take to the station?
    bodi previden! be careful!
    on je iz Londona he is (ali comes) from London
    kdo je? who is there?
    kdo je tam? (vojak na straži) who goes there?
    po meni je, z menoj je konec I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
    kaj Vam je? what is the matter with you?
    nič mi ni there is nothing the matter with me
    slabó mi je I feel sick
    jaz sem (to) it is I, pogovorno it's me
    če bi jaz bil Vi (bil na Vašem mestu), bi ostal doma if I were you, I would stay at home
    če je (to) takó if it is so, if that be so, if that be the case
    naj bo takó! arhaično let it be so!
    naj bo (to), kot hoče! be that as it may
    naj bo tako ali tako in either case
    to bo dovolj this will do
    kar je bilo, je bilo let bygones be bygones
    bíti v napoto to be in the way, to inconvenience, to hinder
    ni mi za... I don't care for...
    za to mu ni he does not care about it
    nič mi ni zanj pogovorno I couldn't care less about him, I don't care a fig for him
    ni mi do šal I am in no mood for joking
    to ni (nič) zame that is not in my line
    nič ni bilo iz tega nothing came of it
    ni mi do poezije I have no time for poetry
    mnogo mi je do tega, da... I am very anxious to...
    vem, pri čem sem I know where I stand
    on je proti meni he has set his face against me
    hiša je v gradnji the house is being built
    bilo mi je, da bi jokal I felt like crying
    on bi bil dober učitelj he would make a good teacher
    tu gre za bíti ali ne bíti this is a matter of life or death
    šlo je za bíti ali ne bíti it was touch and go
    pri tem sem ob 50.000 SIT I am fifty thousand tolars out of pocket over it
  • bítje1 being; creature