
Zadetki iskanja

  • blagohôtnost benevolence; kind disposition
  • blágor welfare; well-being; prosperity

    javni, obči blágor communal benefit; general (ali public) welfare; common (ali public) weal; good of the whole community
    blágor mu, ki... happy the man who...
  • blagoróden (naslov) honourable, worshipful; (poreklo) wellborn; of noble (ali gentle) birth; of noble blood; of good family

    blagoródni gospod X.Y. Mr. X.Y.; H.Y. Esq.
  • blagoródje

    Vaše blagoródje Your Worship; Your Honour; Sir
  • blagoslóv blessing; benediction; arhaično benison

    to je blagoslóv z neba it's a blessing from heaven
    to je pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) it is a godsend (zame to me)
    dati svoj blagoslóv to give one's blessing
    to je bil pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) that was a blessing indeed
    pravi blagoslóv je, da je včeraj deževalo yesterday's rain was a real godsend
    podeliti komu svoj blagoslóv to give someone one's blessing
    zdravje je največji blagoslóv health is the greatest of blessings
  • blagoslovítev blessing; benediction; (posvetitev) consecration
  • blagoslovíti to bless; to invoke a blessing on; to give one's blessing (ali benediction); (posvetiti) to consecrate

    bog Vas blagoslovi! God bless you!
    bog ti to blagoslovi! God's blessing on (ali God bless, God prosper) your efforts (work, ipd.)!
  • blagoslóvljen blessed; (posvečen) consecrated

    blagoslóvljena voda holy water
  • blagosŕčnost good nature
  • blagostánje well-being; prosperity; ZDA pogovorno whoopee period

    javno blagostánje public welfare
  • blagovést gospel
  • blagovéstnik evangelist; preacher of the gospel
  • blagovóliti to deign, to condescend

    blagovóliti sprejeti to be pleased (to receive)
    Njeno Veličanstvo je blagovolilo odgovoriti Her Majesty was graciously pleased to make reply
    blagovolite me obvestiti kindly let me know
    blagovolite vstopiti! step in, please!
  • blamáža disgrace; discomfiture; shame; (neuspeh) failure, discredit

    to je blamáža za Vas it is a disgrace for you
    v blamáži sem I feel (very) foolish
    to bo blamáža zame pogovorno I'm going to finish up with egg on my face
  • blamírati (koga) to compromise (someone); to expose someone to ridicule; to ridicule someone; to bring discredit upon someone; to disgrace someone; to make someone look a fool

    blamírati se to disgrace oneself, to make oneself ridiculous; to make a fool of oneself; (ne uspeti) to fail, to meet with failure; to make an ass of someone; to be confounded; to look foolish; to expose oneself to blame
    zelo se blamírati to make a prize fool (ali idiot) of oneself
    strašno sem se blamiral I made an awful fool of myself
    blamiran sem I feel foolish
    ne blamiraj me! pogovorno stop taking the mickey
  • blankét form (to be filled in); blank
  • blánkverz blank verse
  • blanšírati (npr. mandeljne) to blanch
  • blasfemíja blasphemy

    blasfémičen blasphemous
  • bláten dirty; mudstained; muddy; soiled; miry; slimy

    blátna kopel mudbath