
Zadetki iskanja

  • bláženost beatitude; bliss; blissfulness, blessedness, (sreča) perfect happiness
  • blažílen soothing, balmy, palliative, appeasing
  • blažílnik tehnika shock-absorber
  • blažílo soothing drug; palliative; lenitive
  • blažíti to soothe; to appease; to mitigate
  • blebetáč babbler; chatterbox, chatterer; gossip; talkative person; prattler; driveller; a great talker; žargon big mouth; windbag, gasbag
  • blebetánje drivel; idle talk; chatter; gossip
  • blebetáti to babble, to blab, to prate, to gossip, to drivel; to gibber, to prattle; to drool
  • blebetàv loquacious; garrulous; talkative; telltale; (zgovoren) flippant; chatty
  • blebetávost chattiness; talkativeness
  • bléd pale; medicina pallid; wan; sallow(-faced); (barva) light, pale

    bléd kot zid, ko smrt as white as a sheet, as pale as death, a pale as a ghost; (luna) pale, wan
    ob blédi svetlobi zvezd in the pale (ali faint) light of the stars
    bléda barva watery colour
    bléda lica pale (ali wan) cheeks
    bléde ustnice bloodless (ali colourless) lips
    bléd nasmešek a wan smile, the ghost of a smile
    bléd od strahu pale with fright
    blédo moder pale (ali light) blue
    blédo rdeč pink
    blédo zelen pale ali light green
  • bledéti to grow pale, to turn pale, to pale; (o barvi) to fade
  • bledíca paleness; pallor; medicina (anemija) green-sickness, chlorosis
  • bledíčen pale-faced; medicina anaemic, chlorotic
  • bledíkast palish; pallid
  • bledôta paleness, pallor
  • bléjanje bleat, bleating; baa
  • bléjati bleketáti (o ovci) to bleat, to baa
  • blékniti to blurt out; (izustiti) to utter, to say; (o ovci) to bleat, to baa
  • blesírati (v nesreči) to injure, to hurt; (z orožjem) to wound