
Zadetki iskanja

  • bodement [bóudmənt] samostalnik
  • Bódensko jezero Lake Constance
  • bóder alert; awake; lively; animated; aroused
  • bodice [bɔ́dis] samostalnik
    steznik, životec
  • bodíčast prickly; prickled; bristly; thorny

    bodíčasta žica barbed wire
  • bodíčevje botanika gorse; furze; thorns pl; thistles pl
  • bodied [bɔ́did] pridevnik
    ki ima telo, utelešen

    able-bodied vojaške službe zmožen
    full-bodied wine zelo močno vino
  • bodiless [bɔ́dilis] pridevnik
  • bodílo puncheon
  • bodily [bɔ́dili]

    1. pridevnik
    telesen, fizičen

    2. prislov
    osebno; vsi do zadnjega, korporativno
  • boding [bóudiŋ]

    1. samostalnik

    2. pridevnik (bodingly prislov)
    zlosluten, grozeč, sluteč
  • bodisi

    bodisi... bodisi either... or; whether... or
    bodisi v času bodisi v prostoru in either time or space
  • bodkin [bɔ́dkin] samostalnik
    debela topa igla; šilo
    zastarelo bodalo

    to sit bodkin sedeti stisnjen med dvema sosedoma
  • bodljáj prick; stab
  • bodljíka botanika thistles pl
  • bodljíkav thistly; prickly
  • bodóč future; coming; next

    v bodóče in the future, in times to come, for the future; henceforth; from this time on; hereafter, henceforward
    moj bodóči mož, moja bodóča žena my intended
    njen bodóči mož her future husband, her intended, her husband to-be
    njegova bodóča žena his wife-to-be
    bodóči župan the mayor elect
  • bodóčnost the future; futurity; time to come

    v bližnji bodóčnosti in the near future
    v dogledni bodóčnosti in the foreseeable future
    mož bodóčnosti an up-and-coming man, a man with a future
    imeti veliko bodóčnost to have a great future
    napovedati, prerokovati bodóčnost to predict, to foretell, to prophesy the future
    sanje bodóčnosti (figurativno) dreams pl of the future, castles pl in the air
    načrti za bodóčnost plans pl for the future
    bodóčnost bo pokazala it remains to be seen
    videti v bodóčnost to look into the future
    kaj nam bo prinesla bodóčnost? what does the future hold in store for us?
  • bodrênje encouragement; incitement; exhortation; incentive; fillip
  • bodrílen encouraging; stimulating, stimulant; incentive; animating