
Zadetki iskanja

  • bore4 [bɔ:] samostalnik
    vdor plime v ustje reke
  • bore5 [bɔ:] preteklik od bear
  • boreal [bɔ́:riəl] pridevnik
  • boreálen boreal
  • bórec combatant; fighter; struggler; warrior

    Zveza bórcev League of Combatants; (angleška) British Legion
    biti prekaljen bórec to be a seasoned campaigner ali battle-scarred hero
  • borecole [bɔ́:koul] samostalnik
    botanika zeleni ohrovt
  • bored [bɔ́:d] pridevnik

    I am bored dolgočasim se, sit sem vsega
  • boredom [bɔ́:dəm] samostalnik
    domačno morija
  • borehole [bɔ́:houl] samostalnik
  • bóren miserable, scanty, wretched, paltry
  • borer [bɔ́:rə] samostalnik
    tehnično sveder; vrtalec
    zoologija lesni kukec, živi sveder; konj, ki steguje glavo naprej
  • bórgis tiskarstvo bourgeois type
  • boric [bɔ́:rik] pridevnik
    kemija borov

    boric acid borova kislina
  • borílec (mečevalec, sabljač) fencer
  • borílnica fencing school
  • borílski fencing

    borílska rokavica fencing glove
    borílski učitelj fencing master
    borílska šola fencing school
  • borílstvo fencing
  • boring [bɔ́:riŋ]

    1. pridevnik (boringly prislov)

    2. samostalnik
    vrtanje; izvrtina
    množina izvrtki
  • boríšče arena; scene of contest; (boks) (boxing-) ring; (turnirsko) lists pl, tilting ground; (rokoborba) ring

    prihajati na boríšče zgodovina to enter the lists
  • boríti se (telesno) to fight; šport to fence; figurativno to conflict, to battle, to war; (meriti se) to contend, to cope (z with); to contest; (upirati se) to resist, to combat, to withstand; (konkurirati) to compete (z with), to vie (with someone for something), to rival (in something); (stremeti za) to strive for

    boríti se za to struggle for
    boríti se za koga (figurativno zastarelo) to break a lance for someone
    boríti se za golo življenje (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth, to struggle to make ends meet, to struggle to survive
    boríti se proti močnejšemu to fight against the odds
    boríti se s seboj to be undecided
    boríti se s smrtjo to struggle with death, to suffer one's last agony, to suffer the pangs of death
    boríti se na vse kriplje, z vsemi sredstvi to fight tooth and nail
    boríti se s težavami to contend with difficulties
    boríti se z velikimi težavami to labour under great difficulties
    boríti se z valovi to battle against the waves
    boríti se z vetrom to battle against the wind
    do zadnjega (diha) boríti se to fight till the last gasp