
Zadetki iskanja

  • brownstone [bráunstoun] samostalnik
    rjavi peščenjak

    brownstone district mestna četrt bogatašev
  • browse1 [brauz] samostalnik
    poganjki, vejice, mladike; smukanje
  • browse2 [brauz] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    smukati listje, pasti se
    figurativno brskati, listati po knjigah, brati
  • brózga mud; mire; (snežna) slush
  • brózgati to splash; to wade
  • bŕskanje ransacking; rummaging
  • bŕskati to ransack; to rummage

    bŕskati po to rummage among
    bŕskati po hiši to ransack a house
    bŕskati po knjigi to rummage through the pages of a book
    bŕskati po žepih to fish through one's pockets
  • brsôta botanika savoy
  • bŕst bud, sprout
  • brstéti to bud; to burst into leaf

    brsteč in bud
  • bŕstje buds pl, sprouts pl
  • bršlján botanika ivy

    obraščen z bršljánom ivy-clad
  • brúc; brúcka freshman; freshwoman; fresher; firstyear student
  • brucelóza veterina undulant fever, brucellosis
  • bruhálnik vent-hole
  • brúhanje vomiting; (vulkana) eruption

    sredstvo za brúhanje emetic
    na brúhanje mi gre I feel sick
  • brúhati to vomit; to be sick, to throw up; to disgorge; to spew (up); žargon to puke; (o vulkanu) to erupt

    za brúhati mi je my gorge is rising
    brúhati kri to spit blood
    brúhati lavo to emit streams of lava
    brúhati ogenj to vomit fire
    brúhati oblake dima to emit clouds of smoke
  • brúhniti ➞ bruhati

    brúhniti v jok to burst into tears
    brúhniti v smeh to burst out laughing
  • bruin [brú:in] samostalnik
    medved, kosmatinec
  • bruise1 [bru:z] samostalnik
    zmečkanina, poškodba, otolkljaj, modrica, črnavka