
Zadetki iskanja

  • brzinomér speedometer; speed recorder
  • bŕzo prislov fast, swiftly, quickly, speedily, rapidly; hastily; apace

    bŕzo! be quick!, look sharp!, make haste!, (zgani se!) bestir yourself!
  • brzojáv telegraph; wire; telegram, (po kablu) cablegram

    bezžični brzojáv radiogram
  • brzojáven telegraphic; telegraph

    brzojávni drog telegraph post (ali pole)
    brzojávni ključ (code) telegraphic code
    brzojávni (Morzejev) ključ Morse code
    brzojávna linija telegraphic line
    brzojávni obrazec telegram form
    brzojávni naslov (odgovor) telegraphic address (answer)
    brzojávni transfer telegraphic transfer
    brzojávna žica telegraph wire
    brzojávni urad telegraph office
    odgovoriti v brzojávnem stilu to answer briefly and to the point ali humoristično in telegraphese
  • brzojavítelj telegrapher; sender of a telegram (ali of a wire ali of a cable); telegraph operator; telegraphist
  • brzojáviti to telegraph, (brezžično, pogovorno) to wire; (po kablu) to cable
  • brzojávka telegram; telegraphic message; wire, (po kablu) cablegram, cable

    sestaviti brzojávko to draw up (ali to make out) a telegram
  • brzojávljanje sending a telegram; wiring
  • brzojávno telegraphically; by telegraph; by wire
  • brzokríl swift-winged
  • brzokuhálnik pressure cooker
  • brzonóg light-footed; fleet (of foot); swift (of foot)
  • brzopárnik pomorstvo liner
  • brzopís stenography, shorthand; (pri Rimljanih) tachygraphy
  • brzopísec stenographer; tachygrapher
  • brzostrélen (top) quick-firing, ZDA rapid-fire (gun)
  • brzostrélka (puška) submachine gun; tommy-gun; Sten gun
  • brzoték (sel) courier; running messenger; runner
  • brzovlák fast train; express (train); (ZDA tudi) flyer

    peljati se z brzovlákom to take a fast train
  • brzovôzen

    brzovôzno blago express goods pl, fast goods pl, ZDA fast freight; goods pl conveyed by fast (ali express) train
    vlak za brzovôzno blago express (ali fast) goods (ZDA freight) train